The Pribilof Islands of St.George Island
"you gotta" just love the prib's!!!Weelllll ,St. George Island,Ak "that is"
The love of God, My Country, and My Home;this is My Home, Not yours!!
The Hotel pricing
The price for the hotel pernight ,perperson is 180.00 due to high fuel cost..and Electricity
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
you can see the part of the town ,when i was standing on north sealiond hill. i was looking for the reindeer herd . it was a tough walking through the snow . Posted by Hello
standing on north sealion hill and you can se there is a huge snow storm coming through Posted by Hello
i am standing on upside down bidar hill and took this picture of cascade point .. Posted by Hello
north and south sealion hill, south sealion hill is known as upside down bidar . Posted by Hello