The Pribilof Islands of St.George Island
"you gotta" just love the prib's!!!Weelllll ,St. George Island,Ak "that is"
The love of God, My Country, and My Home;this is My Home, Not yours!!
The Hotel pricing
The price for the hotel pernight ,perperson is 180.00 due to high fuel cost..and Electricity
Thursday, June 15, 2006
this picture was taken, just before we start our jounrey to garden cove a pictue of part of the town .. .. we are standing on top of ulakaia Posted by Picasa
this is chuck heath and we also met him half way to garden cove.i know chuck and sally . their daughter sara is running for state governor, an hope she will win the governors race Posted by Picasa
sally heath , we met half way over to garden, as they are heading back .. Posted by Picasa
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
yahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!! fresh water and it is fresh and safe to drink .. this water is in garden cove. this stream runs year round throught out the winter .053.jpg'> Posted by Picasa
here is a dead root of a tree ,,that drifteds ashore ,and the bird cliffs .. Posted by Picasa