The Pribilof Islands of St.George Island
"you gotta" just love the prib's!!!Weelllll ,St. George Island,Ak "that is"
The love of God, My Country, and My Home;this is My Home, Not yours!!
The Hotel pricing
The price for the hotel pernight ,perperson is 180.00 due to high fuel cost..and Electricity
Friday, August 13, 2004
larry philemonof jr. and james merculief are changing the frontend loader tire,and repalce it with a new one
Who is that Afro-american-aleut to the right of the photo? He looks Hawaiian, or is he Bill Gates in disguise?
Who is that Afro-american-aleut to the right of the photo? He looks Hawaiian, or is he Bill Gates in disguise?
Who is that Afro-american-aleut to the right of the photo? He looks Hawaiian, or is he Bill Gates in disguise?
the guy on the right looks lie a fisherman from St. Paul, or is it Bill Gates?
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